Whether you’re involved with ecommerce or own a brick-and-mortar store, mobile advertising should be considered as part of your strategy. If not, your competition is going to have a significant upper hand. Take into consideration the growth of mobile advertising. According to a study by eMarketer regarding digital ad dollars that are spent on mobile devices will continue to surge into the foreseeable future.
People now spend much more time on apps than on the mobile web and advertisers are always on the lookout for ways to optimize their mobile advertising and quantify ROI.
Here are 4 key tips to help you get the most out of your mobile advertising spend and mobile advertising campaigns:
1. Responsive Website
This may seem like a no-brainer, but a shocking number of websites are still not optimized for mobile.
Over the past four years, mobile device usage has increased dramatically, with more than 90% of Americans now owning a cell phone. According to comScore, 4 out of 5 consumers now use their smartphones to shop. This means that if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website, you’ll be missing out on a large pool of potential customers.
Even if you have a separate mobile app (like Snapchat), it’s critical that customers can easily view your website on their smartphone.
2. Personalization
Clothing retailer Barneys makes sure the shopping experience on mobile devices is as personalized as possible (both personalized ads and content) by pushing product recommendations and other content based on individual browsing history and connecting browsing to actual transactions.
Not only are personalized ads hyper-relevant to consumers, but they can also be extremely helpful.
3. Call-To-Action
Calls-to-action is one the most important inbound marketing tools available to you, and when it comes to mobile advertising, you want to make sure that your call-to-action button is large enough for a person’s thumb to easily tap. Furthermore, you want your main call-to-action to be quickly spotted by users. Following these simple guidelines can dramatically increase your conversion rate.
4. Easy to Read Mobile Emails
Studies have found that the majority of emails are now opened on a mobile device. Despite this significant number, research has also found that a significant percentage of email campaigns aren’t optimized for mobile.
If you want to reach out to potential customers and increase your email leads, you need to make the experience better for your audience, by (for example), reducing the size of file images, resizing images by proportion, and making use of clickable call-to-action buttons.