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Jun 18, 2018 9:03:00 AM

Won An Award? 12 Ways To Publicize It (Without Bragging) - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to have a recent article published on Forbes.comPOST WRITTEN BY: Tim Nichols, co-founder of ExactDrive Inc.

Winning a business award is an exciting achievement. It feels good to have your team's hard work and dedication recognized by a prestigious organization. Even more important is the fact that this award can serve as a great marketing tool if properly publicized.

While you don't want to come off as conceited or arrogant, you can (and should) proudly share the news of your company's accolades on your website, social media, email newsletter and other customer touchpoints to make sure your audience knows about it. Here's how Forbes Agency Council members recommend announcing your award in the most beneficial way.

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Jun 12, 2018 9:03:00 AM

12 Predictions For How VR Will Change The Future Of Advertising - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.comPOST WRITTEN BY: Tim Nichols, co-founder of ExactDrive Inc.

Virtual reality is here and already making waves in a variety of industries – from healthcare to travel. It's changing the way companies engage with customers and making it possible to give consumers a whole new way to experience a business’s products and services.

As we move into the future, one thing is clear: VR will lead the way and alter the advertising opportunities going forward. With the ability to have customers connect with your offering in a more personal and lifelike way, you have more options with your advertising strategy than ever before.

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Jun 4, 2018 9:04:00 AM

14 Reasons Your Client's Web Traffic Might Be Declining - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.com.

When a company notices a sharp decline in its website traffic, the first instinct is likely to hit the panic button. And as their agency, you're probably on the receiving end of that call. While your client might be tempted to overcompensate with a website redesign or an influx of new content, it's important to first investigate the root cause of the traffic drop, and then respond accordingly.

From Google algorithm changes to coding errors, there are numerous potential reasons for a decline, and not all of them are necessarily a website owner's fault. We asked members of the Forbes Agency Council to offer some possible explanations, and what to help your client look for when investigating a dip in site visits. Their best answers are below.

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May 29, 2018 9:04:00 AM

Visuals Are The Key To Creating Great Customer-Brand Connections - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to have a recent article published on Forbes.comPOST WRITTEN BY: Tim Nichols, co-founder of ExactDrive Inc.


Whether it's the Snap stories on your Snapchat application, the pictures on Instagram or the videos that a company posts on their website, we're all naturally more drawn to things that we can look at rather than read. Generally speaking, human beings are visual creatures, and we're attracted to anything that's beautiful or eye-catching.

At ExactDrive, we have seen the popularity of visual ads grow more every day. We have long worked with a variety of visual ads including instream and outstream video creatives, integrated dynamic ads, interactive in-game displays and mobile video ads -- and we have witnessed large campaign successes with each of these formats.

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May 22, 2018 9:48:00 AM

The Benefits of Setting Up an Integrated Marketing Dashboard

The sheer volume of data generated by the average business today is astronomical. Every piece of information your company collects tells a story about your customers and your marketplace. This narrative can give your brand the guidance it needs to make confident decisions about the future, and how you want to expand your marketing efforts.

However, making sense of all the data generated by a business isn't always an easy task. The volume is so large that it can often present a serious challenge, regardless of how technologically savvy your organization might be. Fortunately, a marketing dashboard can help you to dive into the information you collect about your sales and advertising efforts, to discover which of your campaigns are the most effective.

Here are just some of the benefits of setting up your own integrated marketing dashboard.

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May 14, 2018 9:01:00 AM

Partnering With An Influencer? Follow These Eight Steps To Protect Your Business - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.com.

After a string of troubling and inappropriate videos, YouTube sensation Logan Paul, best known for his short films, sketches and daily vlogs, is, quite literally, paying for his behavior. YouTube temporarily suspended ads from running on Paul's account, effectively cutting off a huge revenue stream for the influencer.

Of course, Paul is not unique: Plenty of celebrities have lost endorsement deals over personal scandals and damaged reputations. When an influencer's reputation goes south, the brands on the other side need to distance themselves from that person, lest they hurt their own reputation among consumers.

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May 8, 2018 9:03:00 AM

Pandora Enters the World of Programmatic Advertising

Entertainment specialists Pandora recently announced that they will now be offering their audio inventory to consumers programmatically through demand-side platforms.

The move to audio programmatic advertising comes at a time when the industry is seeing a significant shift in audio advertising techniques. The digital revolution is making new high-performance solutions available to brands around the world, as consumers flock to streaming platforms to binge on their favorite songs, bands, and television programs.

I'm Interested in Audio

In a world where customers own more smart speakers and subscription services than ever before, and connected cars are beginning to make their way into the mainstream, it seems that the future of digital advertising might be in audio. In fact, the Edison "Share of Ear" study for 2017 found that consumers currently spend four hours per day listening to audio.

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May 3, 2018 9:03:00 AM

15 Digital Marketing Tips For New Companies Seeking Brand Recognition - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.com.

With the foray into digital marketing becoming easier and more affordable, many companies are tossing their hat into the arena and giving it a try. Your business, like many others, may benefit from using digital marketing to your advantage — if you keep your wits and focus on the audience at hand. 

Using approaches such as video, content, social media and mobile advertising can help your business make a name for itself and rank higher in Google searches with minimal cost and time. But, as a new business, where do you concentrate your efforts without becoming overwhelmed?

Below, 15 members of the Forbes Agency Council share some digital marketing tips that newer companies can use to gain name-brand recognition. Here is what they suggest:

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Apr 18, 2018 9:05:00 AM

The Benefits of Online Advertising: An Efficient Way to Reach Customers

While the world of online advertising may seem somewhat intimidating at first, it can actually streamline your marketing campaign. Not only can online advertising save you money, reach a broader audience, convert more viewers into clients and target the appropriate audience, but you can generally set up most of your campaigns from the privacy of your office or home.

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Apr 16, 2018 9:00:00 AM

12 SEO Trends Heating Up 2018 - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.com.

If your business isn't taking advantage of using SEO strategies on its website, blogs and social media pages, you're missing the boat in terms of ranking your business in internet searches. SEO is one of the most effective ways to ensure your customers find your business and buy your products.

As simple as SEO can be to utilize, it is a constantly evolving technique that needs a good understanding and a knowledge base of what is new or on the horizon for ranking schemes. This year is no different, as several SEO trends are coming to light that can help your organization achieve a top result in a Google search, giving your business an edge over your competition. 

Twelve members of the Forbes Agency Council share the SEO trend or change that is impacting their work this year.

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