<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Dec 8, 2015 9:00:00 AM

5 Steps to Improve Your Facebook Advertising Campaign

No matter how you feel about the prospect of using social media advertising in your current campaign, it's impossible to ignore the fact that Facebook advertising can be an effective way of delivering more actionable traffic towards your website, through the use of specifically targeted media. On average, Facebook has a significantly larger amount of data contained about each of the people who use it than sources such as AdWords or Twitter. Alongside knowing where your target market lives, Facebook also knows how old they are, who their friends are, and what they're interested in.

If you're already using a Facebook Promotional Campaign as part of your advertising strategy, and you're not getting the results that you've been hoping for, then there are some methods you could use to boost your campaign and hopefully re-direct your efforts towards the right results. Here are five steps to improving your Facebook Advertising Campaign.

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Dec 3, 2015 8:28:37 AM

5 Retargeting Strategies You Cannot Ignore

Retargeting efforts, known to some online advertising as "remarketing" strategies, can be one of the most potent and effective tools in your arsenal when it comes to continuously attracting and retaining customers.  

In general, the process of retargeting means placing a small amount of code on your website, which watches visitors on your behalf. In other words, when a new visitor approaches your website, the small piece of code will leave a cookie on their browser that allows you to continue sharing advertisements with those users - even as they leave your website and travel to other locations on the web. Instead of having to track down your audience and remind them of the valuable products and services you have to offer, your retargeting solution can do the hard work for you, allowing you to focus exclusively on creating effective ads for whatever you have to offer.

Statistics suggest that only around 2% of first-time visitors to your website will convert, and retargeting is a powerful tool because it allows you to focus your attention on the other 98%. These are the would-be customers who have already been exposed to your brand, but didn't convert for whatever reason. Following, we'll discuss some of the retargeting strategies you can't afford to ignore, if you want to make the most out of your conversions.

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Dec 2, 2015 1:06:41 PM

4 Tips For Improving Your Search Retargeting Efforts

Any business with an online presence knows the challenges involved in directing new traffic to their website. Unfortunately, the difficulty doesn't stop there, as once you've enticed a visitor onto your site, you also need to convince them to convert into customers. Less than 5% of website viewers will actually take action towards a purchase the first time they visit your site - but retargeting can help to entice the remaining majority to return and convert.

Retargeting is a technology that relies upon digital cookies to track your audience's movements across the webInternet. By placing a piece of code on your website, you can have a cookie dropped into your viewer's browser when they arrive on your landing page, and that cookie will inform your retargeting provider of which ads should be served. Similarly, search retargeting tracks users according to the previous keyword searches they have conducted, allowing you to display personalized advertisements to your visitors.

Search retargeting can be a powerful tool for conversion optimization, but just like anything else in advertising, there are usually ways that you can improve and maximize your search retargeting efforts. If you want to make sure your search retargeting campaign is primed to get the right results, consider the following 4 tips.

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Nov 24, 2015 9:00:00 AM

4 Features Great Ad Platforms Offer

Attempting to stay on track with all of the latest innovations in online advertising can be a difficult task - even for the digital expert. As new tools, techniques, and tips are published each day - claiming that they can help you increase your ROI - how do you know which features you should expect as standard as part of your ad platform, and which are less important?

Digital advertising platforms help companies to utilize and make the most of the Internet for their advertising and marketing purposes. Through the use of these tools, it is possible for professionals to streamline the interactions that are conducted between advertisers and publishers, and ensure that ad creatives are distributed across all of the most effective platforms. Advertisers can benefit significantly from using digital ad platforms, as it can give them much needed access to their desired audience - no matter where they are on the web.

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Nov 19, 2015 11:16:10 AM

3 Important Online Advertising Campaign Strategies

In a World where the common customer often regards obvious advertising schemes with distaste, it's more crucial than ever to be ingenious in the way you construct your online advertising campaign strategies. Sometimes, getting an ad creative to the right person at the right time is enough of a challenge in itself, and as constant innovations roll into the market, there are ever more complex and confusing options available for reaching out to your audience.

We all know that digital marketing has come a long way over the recent years, but the central questions remain the same: Where is your audience? How can you get them to listen?And what will it take to ensure they engage with your brand?

If you're in charge of an online advertising campaign, then it's up to you to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of media strategies. Fall behind, and you're likely to lose your customers to your competitors faster than you ever imagined. Following are three of the newest online solutions for advertising that you can consider if you want to stay ahead of the game.

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Nov 9, 2015 9:00:00 AM

Ask These 3 Questions To Improve Your Click-Through Rate

Running a business is difficult enough, so dealing with a low click-through rate on your banner ads and pay-per-click advertising shouldn't be another factor adding onto your stress. Most companies today are aware that having a high click-through rate is beneficial for numerous reasons - delivering better site traffic, increased quality score (as rated by Google), and reduced cost-per-click for PPC campaigns. A good click-through rate makes up the center of the algorithms used by search engines to decide which ads viewers should be displayed. The formula to calculate your rate is simple: Divide clicks by impressions, and you'll get your click-through rate - however, just because you understand what a CTR is, and how you can calculate it, doesn't mean you know how to improve your results.

If you want to drive more beneficial traffic to your website - asking yourself the following three questions could help.

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Oct 30, 2015 11:34:12 PM

The Insider's Survival Guide to Online Advertising

If you still haven't come to terms with the true importance of online advertising yet - then you're going to need to start boosting your efforts - and quickly. The amount that companies have been spending on online advertisement has grown consistently over the recent years, and reports suggest that the numbers will only continue to go up.

Although it's true that advertising online can take some getting used to - particularly if you've been living in a World where television marketing and magazine banners are the number one way to drive people towards your business - it's impossible to get by in the professional World today without it. While online advertising can be somewhat overwhelming, it doesn't have to be if you have the right information and guidance at hand. If you feel as though you're tackling the jungle of online advertising alone - this handy insider's survival guide could be the perfect tool for making sure you come out at the end more successful than ever.

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Oct 15, 2015 9:00:00 AM

How to Minimize Click Fraud in 9 Minutes

Today, most companies are aware of just how useful PPC advertising can be to their overall online marketing scheme. However, the effectiveness of your PPC campaign can quickly be diminished when up to 20% of your budget is frequently wasted due to fraudulent activity. The right PPC activity can improve search visibility, drive extra traffic towards your website, and enhance customer conversion levels. In fact, research suggests that most businesses and websites online today will engage in a PPC marketing program at some point.

However, the trouble is that PPC is not immune to the malicious marketers out there that choose to manipulate the model and abuse click-through rates as a way of sabotaging their competitors. Click Fraud is a serious issue for any business that encounters it, and if left unnoticed for too long, it's an issue that can drain significant funds out of your marketing budget, while placating you with the impression that your schemes are actually successful.

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Oct 12, 2015 4:04:41 PM

Online Advertising Campaigns Fail For 3 Main Reasons

There is a fine line between success and failure in the digital marketing industry. Ensure your brand strategy is primed for prosperity by avoiding these mistakes in your next campaign.

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Oct 8, 2015 4:06:48 PM

7 Steps For A Winning Online Media Plan

Today, it seems as though studies are constantly proving just how important it is for companies to establish a successful social media plan, if they want to get the most out of their online marketing strategies. Social media advertising is one of the number one ways for most businesses and brands to get their names out into the social sphere, increasing their traffic, improving the relationships that they build with customers, and developing their future within the industry.

Unfortunately, too many companies ignore the benefits that social media could have on their advertising campaign, simply because they believe that putting a winning strategy together will either take too much money, or too much time. The truth is that there may be a lot to think about when it comes to establishing a successful online media strategy. However, once you've got the initial questions out of the way, you should be able to build a plan that works for you well into the future - and it could all take no more than a few minutes. So how can you develop a winning media plan? Just follow these steps:

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