<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Sep 14, 2015 8:00:00 AM

Ad Viewability Versus Above-the-Fold Targeting: Which Matters More?

What does the concept of ad viewability mean in the context of strategy? And what makes it more significant than above-the-fold targeting? Viewability is more important in digital marketing than ever before. But why? A large percentage of marketers still judge the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns by tracking the cost per thousand and click-through rates. Though this may work for some, unfortunately, the results of such an analysis are easy to skew. Various forms of digital advertising are beginning to see an increase in fraud, thanks to bots.

Lately, many scientific studies agree that "your ad being seen" is more important than your ad getting clicked. The simple reasoning behind this is that an advertisement is useless unless it can be seen. With this in mind, the concept of ad viewability continues to gain momentum within the tech industry.

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Sep 8, 2015 9:13:00 AM

The 4 Real Reasons Your Retargeting Campaign Isn't Working

If you know how to use it, advertisement retargeting can be a valuable and powerful resource in drawing consumers back to your website if they weren't ready to buy the first time they visited. Usually, people like to click around different websites and do some comparison shopping before they make a final decision about their purchase, and retargeting helps to increase the chance that when your potential customers are ready to buy - it's you that they'll come back to.

Retargeting campaigns rely on browser cookies to work, allowing them to create an anonymous list of the people that visit your website so that they can be targeted with ads as they move through their online experience. Because retargeting ensures you only deliver advertisements to people who have already visited your site, you can usually save money, and ensure your brand remains fresh in the minds of your prospects.

Unfortunately, not everyone will find that their retargeting campaign is an instant success. There are plenty of reasons why your strategy may fail to hit its mark, leaving you to wonder where all of those conversions have gone. If your retargeting campaign just hasn't worked out the way you had hoped - the following four reasons may explain why.

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Sep 3, 2015 8:51:00 AM

How To Protect Your Online Advertising Campaign From Click Fraud

We have spent a lot of time writing and discussing the issue of fraud within the online advertising industry, specifically click fraud. If part of your advertising strategy is made up of PPC (pay-per-click) ads, then the primary concern you'll need to think about is click fraud - and the effect it could be having on your business success. Becoming a victim of click fraud means that your advertising budget quickly disappears, while potential customers are actually prevented from reaching your website.

For many small businesses, pay per click advertising is an attractive and useful marketing option. The reason for this is that it's often a fast and effective way for websites to generate traffic, boost their website ranking, and increase overall conversions. On top of that, pay per click ensures that you only have to pay for the clicks that you actually get. Although PPC can be a smart solution for website promotion, if you want your campaign to be successful, you'll need to be cautious when it comes to monitoring your PPC activity - or you could risk becoming yet another victim of click fraud.

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Sep 2, 2015 9:00:00 AM

How To Make Advertising Online Not Suck

In today's technology-driven world, online advertising has become a huge component of all effective advertising strategies. Regardless of whether your organization is B2C or B2B, implementing digital advertisements correctly ensures that you'll be able to successfully develop your business online, fostering more sales, conversions, and brand awareness. However, if your ads aren't well-planned in everything from the channel that you use, to the design and copy, you could miss out on the results you've been hoping for. So how do you make sure that your advertising online doesn't suck?

1. Focus on Delivering Fresh Creative

As the name suggests, the primary focus behind your creative should be creativity. Incorporating fresh ideas, unique elements, and innovative visual elements into your advertisements is crucial to fostering success. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that although you should be willing to change your advertisements up as often as necessary, you will want to ensure that certain parts of your creative remain consistent. In simple terms, offer your audience something engaging to look at - but make sure that they know it's you behind the ad. Altering your creative is particularly important if you choose to extend your marketing efforts to social media - as users in these avenues hate seeing the same post over and over again. Test out your new campaigns thoroughly, and make sure to use images with a consistent aesthetic so that your campaign continues to feel familiar for customers that are already aware of you.

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Aug 25, 2015 8:30:00 AM

7 Things About Brand Safety Your Client Wants To Know

As more companies than ever rush forwards into an era of automated content production, digital advertising, and online presence, the idea of "brand safety" has grown increasingly important. The term "brand safety" refers to the tools and practices used to ensure that an advertisement or piece of content will not appear in a context that causes harm to the brand in question. This potentially damaging substance can fall into one of two categories: the first are hate sites, adult content, or sites covering controversial topics. The second category depends on the specifics of the brand itself.

Whether you manage a blog, personal project, or entire business website, it's crucial to be aware of the threats that currently exist online. Blogging and social networking have introduced new risks as malicious individuals search for ways to steal customers and hijack revenues. Unwarranted abuse and criticism has also been made far easier by the anonymity and ease-of-access associated with the internet. If you want to reassure your customers, and make sure that your loyal fans remain devoted to your company, then you'll need to answer questions about the following 7 things your clients need to know regarding brand safety.

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Aug 24, 2015 9:00:00 AM

5 Reasons Why Mobile Advertising Campaigns Fail At Converting

Whether you appreciate the portable revolution or not, the fact is that mobile advertising is here to stay - meaning that creating an effective and actionable strategy is more crucial than ever. According to search engine giants Google, the global penetration of smartphones reached about 25% in 2014, and the number of people browsing on their phones has continued growing ever since.

However, in spite of the fact that smartphone usage has grown, a lot of organizations and companies still struggle when it comes to applying a viable strategy for mobile advertising to their marketing campaign. Around 84% of companies who attempt to market with mobile see a significant boost in their overall sales, yet a significant number of them are still making mistakes that make their efforts either useless - or annoying. If you're struggling to see the positives of your mobile marketing campaign, the cause could come from one of the following five reasons.

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Aug 20, 2015 8:30:00 AM

5 Myths About Facebook Advertising

Today, there are 1.49 billion active users on Facebook. With so many people around the world using this form of social media to connect with friends, discover new things, and expand their online reach - it's no surprise that businesses want to make the most out of a possible new resource. Facebook advertising provides companies with an effective way of reaching out to target audiences - but just like anything else online today, the concept comes with a number of worrisome myths.

How much do you really know about Facebook advertising? Here, we'll discuss 5 of the most common prevailing myths about this type of online advertising.

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Aug 19, 2015 8:00:00 AM

5 Mobile Advertising Blunders to Avoid

Today, mobile advertising may be the ultimate way to ensure that you build traffic and create leads online. A few years ago, we'd never even heard of digital tablets, and a few more years before that, nobody even had a smartphone. In simple terms, absolutely everyone is new to the concept of mobile advertising - but that doesn’t mean that it's any less important. Over the past few years, companies both big and small have made a habit of falling into the same old blunders when trying to make their mobile advertising strategies work. It's no surprise that we're still working out the kinks in these early stages, but if you want to save some time and money, then you may benefit from learning where you're most likely to hit your first hurdles. Following are the five most common mobile advertising mistakes people make today - and how you can avoid them.

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Aug 5, 2015 9:00:00 AM

The One Campaign Setting That Guarantees Retargeting Failure

Are you aware that about 90-98% of all website visitors don't convert? Getting a slew of traffic to visit your site and check out your services is a great thing - but it doesn't do much if none of that traffic generates sales. Retargeting is a marketing technique that can help you stay connected to bounced traffic, recreating chances for you to turn visitors into customers. With the complex customer journeys and long sales cycles that exist today, creating numerous touch points with your prospects is essential to maximizing your ROI.

Retargeting has been a hot topic in the World of advertising and marketing for the last couple of years. As a solution that enables brands and companies to interact with individuals who have already shown interest in their websites, retargeting goes beyond PPC and traditional online advertising by taking customer involvement to a new level. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that retargeting is a guaranteed method for success. In fact, a lot of companies learn that failing to retarget correctly can leave them with complete campaign failure.

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Aug 4, 2015 9:07:58 AM

6 Ways To Use Dynamic Ads To Delight Your Clients

Knowing how to creatively market your brand, company, or product is an essential part of establishing success online today. As more businesses than ever before continue to migrate onto the Internet for a chance to get their hands on brand new clients, customers, and audiences, it's down to you to make sure that you're adapting to the latest methods of ensuring that your company stands out from the crowd.

The word "dynamic" shows up pretty frequently online today, from dynamic search engine advertisements, to dynamic retargeting and dynamic creative. The concept that we will be focusing on here is Dynamic creative - an advertising method that allows creatives to change automatically according to information about the user. In simple terms, dynamic advertisements use this creative form to adapt based on the wants and needs of the particular person viewing them. The information used could be related to the customer's location, behavior, or context, but the aim remains the same - to offer a personalized experience.

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