<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Mar 24, 2015 8:00:00 AM

An introduction To Facebook Products Ads

Social networking giant Facebook is hoping to attract more digital advertisers with its latest ad unit, ‘Product Ads,’ that’s been designed to help retailers target their ads more effectively to its estimated 1.39 billion monthly users. Product Ads will allow users to upload their entire catalog of products onto the site and target different users with specific products. The products will be selected based on the user's profile, interests and browsing behavior.

The move reflects Facebook's desire to prove that its estimated 1.39 billion members are good for more than just "likes", as it enters intothe lucrative product-listing ad market, currently dominated by Google Shopping Ads.

So, what is Facebook proposing with Product Ads and how does it work?

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Mar 16, 2015 8:00:00 AM

6 Things That All Entrepreneurs Should Stop Worrying About

ExactDrive recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by Onevest.com, who has a mission to reshape the private equity industry by democratizing early stage investing: Connect founders to capital allowing their ideas to transform into successful companies, simultaneously creating new investment opportunities for individual investors.

Being an entrepreneur is an inherently stressful endeavor. Being the entrepreneur behind a newly launched startup is even more stressful, since it means constantly having to balance on the fine line between failure and success. Many of the concerns that one has during this time period are warranted, particularly when it comes to budget, client retention, and simply surviving the competitive startup ecosystem. Other concerns, however, are irrational and can take away from the precious energy needed to successfully run a business.

We spoke with six startup founders at different stages in their careers, and asked them what one thing was that all entrepreneurs should stop worrying about. 

1. Competitors

"Keep an eye on them for sure, but don't let what they do dictate what you do too much. Focus on doing what you do best and innovate. If you're watching your competitors too closely, you'll be playing a constant game of catch up that won't do you much good."

Mark Volkmann, Massagebook

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Mar 13, 2015 8:00:00 AM

How to Boost Staff Morale During Times of High-Stress

ExactDrive had the opportunity to be interviewed by SiteProNews who publishes the latest articles and breaking news on technology, social media, search engines, SEO, business, marketing, content writing and webmaster resources.

Working at a start-up is bittersweet. For every opportunity to work remotely and play ping pong at the office, you also have to deal with long work hours and the possibility of failure lurking around every corner. Despite its ups and downs, its exactly this type of excitement that draws people to the start-up world and away from the traditional 9-5. Needless to say, this type of environment can also cause a lot of stress, and in such situations, it’s important to have a leader that stays level-headed, one who can effectively maintain staff morale. We spoke to various startup CEOs at different stages in their careers, and asked what the most important factors are when attempting to boost staff morale during stressful times at work. Here’s what they had to say.

1. Communication

“Stress is a by-product of the thought of losing control, whether that be missing a deadline, or feeling something is no-longer achievable. By implementing a culture of open communication staff can more quickly raise and discuss issues, which helps combat the stress at source, by allowing the issues to be dealt with. Having that knowledge of support also helps potentially stressful situation become less so.”

— Ian Naylor, AppInstitute

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Mar 12, 2015 8:00:00 AM

The Biggest Problems With Online Advertising And How You Can Fix Them

Digital marketing plays an ever more central role in most business's marketing plans. From retargeting, to social; there are plenty of creative and cost effective ways to get your brand under the noses of hundreds, if not thousands of potential customers.

However, despite the many benefits of touting your brand on the internet, online advertising continues to be plagued by fraud and viewability issues, as well as low creative standards, leading critics to question its effectiveness, and future.

Is online advertising broken?

Some say that display advertising has some fundamental problems that may never get fixed. They argue that it suffers from low click-through rates (0.1% on display ads), widespread click fraud and low viewability – (only half of the ads served online are actually seen by users). Concerns have also been voiced about the "creepy" nature of retargeting, irritating pop-ups and the prevalent use of ad-blocking software.

So is it broken?

We don’t think so. It’s just suffering from an image problem, and progress is already being made to fix the issues. For example, the Media Rating Council (MRC) and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) recently released their ‘Viewable Impression Measurement Guidelines’, which set out parameters to measure viewable impressions. They state that 50% of pixels must be in the viewable portion of an internet browser for a minimum of one second, (two seconds for video ads), to qualify as a ‘viewable’ display impression.

By adopting this standard, marketers and publishers will benefit from the improved quality and accountability of their digital advertising efforts.

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Mar 9, 2015 8:00:00 AM

What the Heck Is Behavioral Advertising?

As a consumer, you may well have noticed that advertising seems to follow you around the web. As a digital advertiser, you may well be responsible for that type of online advertising. Either way, you cannot escape what’s known as behavioral advertising.

But what exactly is behavioral advertising, how does it work and how is it different from what you’re already doing? Keep reading to find out.

Targeted & Personalized Marketing

Behavioral advertising has been around for years. In its pre-Internet form, it consisted of direct special mailings to repeat customers. But today, behavioral advertising has gone online, and involves servingpersonalized ads to individuals, based on their previous online behavior and interests.

With behavioral advertising, two people seeing the same web page may be served with completely different ads. Let’s take two surfers for example.One is an outdoors man who enjoys hiking, while the other is a huge fan of the theater. They’re both planning a visit to South Florida and end up on the same website to book their trips. But while the outdoors man will see ads for the local parks or hiking groups, the theater enthusiast will see ads for tickets to upcoming shows.

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Mar 6, 2015 8:00:00 AM

3 Little Changes That Will Make a Big Difference in Your Online Advertising

Online advertising has come a long way from the tacky, blinking banner ads of the 1990s. Today, sophisticated, highly targeted online ads are delivered through a plethora of digital channels, from search engines to mobile apps - and a growing number of marketers are reaping the benefits.

With the right strategy, savvy tools, and smart resource allocation, even the smallest of businesses can take on the giants of the online advertising world.

Here are a few small changes you can make to improve your online advertising and make your digital dollar stretch a little further:

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Mar 5, 2015 11:48:00 AM

12 Questions to Ask When Interviewing for a Startup Job

ExactDrive recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by StartupNation. Since it’s inception in 2002, StartupNation.com has steadily grown to become one of the leading small business destinations on the internet delivering over 250,000 pages of valued content and attracting over 3.1 million unique visitors in 2013. StartupNation has inspired, educated and consistently attracted entrepreneurs and small business owners from Main Street America who want to be their own bosses and live the American Dream.

If your interviewing for a startup job, its important to know that your embarking on an entirely different experience from the traditional 9-5 work environment. You have to prepare yourself to work flexible hours, wear many different hats at once, and become an expert on any given subject in a short period of time. Most importantly, you have to demonstrate that your personality and work ethic will fit into the vision and values of the company culture. The best way to so, and to set yourself apart from other candidates, is by asking questions which demonstrate your entrepreneurial ambition and drive. We spoke to various startup founders and asked what questions most impressed them during previous job interviews, here’s what they had to say.

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Mar 4, 2015 8:00:00 AM

Click Fraud: Expectations Vs. Reality

American businesses will spend over $43 billion on online banner and display ads this year, and yet nearly half of all the ad clicks will be fraudulent or fake. They will be performed by bots, which areautomated computer programs that browse the web masquerading as humans, for the purpose of committing click fraud.

Click fraud is one of the biggest challenges facing the digital advertising industry today. Millions of online advertising dollars go to waste due to bots, click fraud, and out-of-sight placements. And click fraud is becoming increasingly sophisticated.

Bots can imitate the behavior of consumers, by watching a video or making an online purchase. Videos cost more to create, so CPMs are higher, making them a prime target for fraudsters. According to the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), bots account for 23% of video ad views.

As an industry, digital advertisers are worried about click fraud - and they are right to be, but sometimes people assume something is click fraud when it’s not.

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Mar 3, 2015 8:00:00 AM

Signs You Should Invest In Dynamic Ads

The era of the “one size fits all” ad creative is over. In case you somehow missed it, there has been a major shift from the old model of display advertising, which depended on advertisers distributing generic content everywhere in the hope of reaching their target audience, to highly personalized content within dynamic ads delivered directly to pre-targeted consumers on whatever device they happen to be using. Learn more about implementing dynamic ads in our brochure.

What has fueled the shift?

Advancements in technology and data capture have fueled the shift - providing online advertisers with access to detailed information on target audiences such as their location, interests, environment and even their preferred ways of communicating with brands. Marketers are now able to turn data into actionable information in real-time, for example, by segmenting audiences and brands while simultaneously considering weather, location, date and time, device, and more.

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Feb 27, 2015 8:00:00 AM

4 Undeniable Reasons To Love Search Retargeting

The online world has opened up a wealth of opportunities for advertisers to reach broader audiences, but until recently, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) have taken the lion’s share of online advertising budgets.

But advertisers are starting to see the benefits of display advertising; and with the rise of innovative technology like programmatic buying, display advertising is enjoying aresurgence, as it’s able to achieve granular targeting of consumers at scale.

Search Retargeting is a popular and powerful online advertising technique that improves targeting further, by combining the efficiency of search with the reach and branding power of display, to increase leads and sales. For a more thorough definition of what search retargeting is please read our search retargeting brochure.

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