<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Dec 16, 2014 8:30:00 AM

You Can't Afford To Be A Late Adopter Of Mobile Advertising

By Stefanie Amini, Mobile Advertising Specialist, justAd

In case you didn't know, an average person looks at his or her mobile phone 150 times everyday. I certainly look well over that number. It isn't actually about the numbers. Its about the fact that smartphones are now a vital part of everyone's lives and we cant imagine a world without them. This presents marketers with a fantastic opportunity to present their brands to potential users or acquisitions. For those who have not taken up this marvelous opportunity, they should know that they have missed a great opportunity. However, brand owners should know that it’s not yet too late to join the bandwagon and reap the benefits that mobile can offer your business.

Here are 7 excellent reasons why you cannot afford to be a late adopter of mobile advertising.

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Dec 15, 2014 8:00:00 AM

What is your Best Advice for Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance?

ExactDrive was recently quoted in an article posted on Noobpreneur.com, which is an award winning small business online magazine offering tips and ideas for small business owners and those who want to enter entrepreneurship with the right mindset.

Plato once stated that the beginning stages are the most important in any type of long-term work endeavor, and while this is certainly true, there are many entrepreneurs that take this advice a little too seriously.

As most of you know, being an entrepreneur isn’t simply a job, but a lifestyle, and this is especially true when running a startup. Between the long work hours and the addicting mix of excitement and anxiety that come with launching a business, many entrepreneurs tend to forget what really matters most, that being their personal life and their personal well-being.

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Dec 14, 2014 9:59:00 AM

Overcoming Founders Fatigue: Advice From Startup Founders Who Have Been There

ExactDrive was recently quoted in an article posted on EFactor.comEFactor Corp. is the parent of EFactor.com, the world's largest niche social network for entrepreneurs which provides its members with the people, tools, marketing and expertise to succeed and make real, trustworthy and lasting connections.

If you’re not growing, you’re dying. This age-old quote is an all too relevant mantra for any business hoping to enjoy long term success.  Constantly growing however requires an outpouring of all the creative and inspirational energies from founders and visionaries into the company’s ethos and objectives – energy that can dry up and that may need an occasional refilling.

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Dec 12, 2014 9:32:00 AM

Eight Startup CEOs Recount the Worst Entrepreneurial Advice They Ever Received

ExactDrive was recently quoted in an article posted on SiteProNews.comThey offer the latest articles and breaking news on technology, social media, search engines, SEO, business, marketing, content writing and webmaster resources.

A common trait among most successful entrepreneurs is their willingness to observe and learn from the experiences of others. In doing so, they can avoid many of the painful and unnecessary mistakes that are faced by newly launched entrepreneurial ventures, and focus instead on establishing long-term and sustainable growth.

While all advice may be valuable to a certain degree, it’s important to remember that the individuals who are giving that advice often derived their experiences from different contexts and circumstances. With this in mind, you should remember that those contexts may not necessarily apply to the vision that you have established for your business, and then decide whether that advice will actually help you, or if it might actually set you back.

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Dec 11, 2014 8:54:00 AM

How Experiential Marketing Makes Us Look Up, Not Down

In many ways, technology has really helped advertising professionals. Most of us have access to a smartphone or a tablet and, while we’re pickier about which ads we engage with, we’re always actively looking for content. So, if PR, marketing and advertising creatives are clever enough to blur the distinction between ads and interesting content, consumershave never been so accessible.

But the problem with technology is our addiction to these devices. Research has shown that we’re looking at our gadgets morning, noon and night - most people don’t leave home without their smartphone and they’re just as comfortable taking it in the toilet as they are using it in bed.

We’re seemingly obsessed with checking our Facebook feeds, tweeting our opinions on the latest news and sharing business articles on LinkedIn. And we haven’t even touched upon Pinterest, YouTube and the rest.

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Dec 10, 2014 6:30:00 AM

Where Brands Are Going Wrong With YouTube

YouTube released its first Brand Channel Leader board earlier this year, featuring channels that have had the most success attracting repeat viewership, shares, and engaged fan bases. But how well are brands actually doing on the video-sharing platform?

According to Touchstorm’s Video Index, only 74 of the top 5,000 channels on YouTube belong to brands. This isa mind-blowing statistic, given the video platform’s millions of daily users and the size of marketing budgets for international brands. These 74 brandsare YouTube innovators, who enjoy one new view every two seconds, with their content being liked and shared by legions of loyal fans.

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Dec 8, 2014 8:00:00 AM

Reaching Millennials With Snapchat

Many brands are finding Snapchat to be a great place to reach the coveted Millennial generation. Could it work for you?

There’s no shortage of advertisers trying to capture the attention of the Millennial generation – the challenge is to find even a moment of relevance amid the cacophony of tweets, Facebook updates, and every other platform that defines the current age of casual communication.

One of the newest and most popular platforms is Snapchat, which presents advertisers with a challenge: how to engage consumers via an app in which the content disappears shortly after being viewed?

What Is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a mobile app that allows users to send and receive "self-destructing" photos and videos, known as "snaps." The sender determines how many seconds (one to 10) the recipient can view the snap before the file disappears from the recipient's device. Messages can only be viewed once, and during the viewing period, the recipient must maintain contact with the device's touchscreen, or the snap disappears.

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Dec 4, 2014 8:00:00 AM

Tips on Preparing Your Startup for Long-term Growth

ExactDrive was recently quoted in an article posted on TechGyo.comTechGyo is a leading technology web blog, specialized in topics like Internet, Twitter, Computer, Blogging, WordPress, Social Media, Make Money Online, Search Engine Optimization and more. TechGyo Technology blog was launch on April 2010 by Sreejesh Suresh.

The article asked a several startup executives and owners at different stages in their careers about how they prepared their startups for long-term growth.

  1. Develop Meaningful Relationships

The best way to prepare your start-up for long-term growth is to start curating connections and increase the network. Along the way, its extremely important to have people who believe in your product and can introduce you to others who might prove to be beneficial, be it for fundraising, mentorship or hiring new talent. Meaningful relationships cant be established overnight, so its important to get a head start.

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Dec 3, 2014 8:00:00 AM

More Experiential Marketing From Delites

You know you've created a winning advertising campaign when you can continue to use a theme over and over again. What this shows us is that it’s important to understand human psychology. We’re humans and we don’t like change. People love to see stories, characters and themes progress and develop - just think back to the Bisto family in the 80s.

On a crueler note, Delitesrecently showed how powerful advertising continuity can be. Back in 2012, they ran a very successful campaign that went viral, much to the envy of many a guerrilla marketer. The campaign was based around the theme: how far would you go for fantastic Delites? The premise was very simple – people had to do a variety of menial tasks to earn snacks.

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Dec 2, 2014 9:05:43 AM

ExactDrive Reaches Milestone of 1,000 User sign ups, Aims To Change The Way We Approach Media Buys

This article was originally published by exploreB2B on 11/26.2014.

ExactDrive allows businesses to log onto a self serve advertising platform quickly and manage their entire campaign details from specific online targeting, to placement and inventory. ExactDrive announces its newest milestone of 1,000 worldwide user signups for its online self-serve advertising platform, aiming to give businesses an unprecedented tailored control of their online advertising campaigns.

With the company now boasting a new office in Milwaukee, WI, an increasing amount of businesses continue to sign up to ExactDrive’s transparent self-advertising online platform, allowing them full control in every facet of their advertising campaigns.

Conducted completely online, this turnkey solution allows businesses to log onto the platform quickly and manage their entire campaign details from specific online targeting, to placement and inventory. This gives the client not just market specific optimization, but also a tailored campaign for a specific budget.

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