<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Oct 24, 2014 8:00:00 AM

How To Win The Trust Of A Skeptical Consumer

Consumers are more discerning than ever before, and in order to build a successful brand you need to work to earn their trust. Last year, in New York's Central Park, an old man was selling "Banksy paintings" for $60 apiece. His booth was next to others, selling everything from second-hand books to fruit and vegetables.

During the entire day, only three paintings were sold, but what looked like any other booth was actually a provocative stunt by the artist Banksy himself. The works of art were real and their lucky new owners had snatched a bargain worth tens of thousands of dollars.

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Oct 23, 2014 8:00:00 AM

The Rise Of The Gigabit City

Send your hologram to that meeting in New York, rather than going yourself. Experience everything Australia has to offer from the comfort of your living room. Instantly 3D-print that gadget you saw on television and get it delivered by drone messenger.

The age of gigabit connectivity is dawningand these are just a few of the predictions in a report called ‘Killer Apps in the Gigabit Age’, which tries to envisage how the next generation of Internet connections will change our lives.

The report works on the premise that, just as dial-up Internet access brought email into the mainstream and broadband spurred video streaming and social networking; gigabit-speed Internet will introduce us to a new set of technologies that will allow formore meaningful brand experiences.

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Oct 16, 2014 7:30:00 AM

Highlighting Your Mission With Social Experiments

If you saw a rack of refreshing beverages on a street corner with a sign that said,drop $1 in the box for a drink’, would you pay? This is the sort of moral conundrum posed by‘social experiment’ marketing, in which brands carry out experiments in a social environment to investigate how people react to certain situations.

Social experiments provide an ideal framework for guerrilla advertising, as they are cheap to stage, require little in terms of resources and have the potential to reach a huge number of consumers, by nature of being digital and shareableOften used by not-for-profit organizations to highlight a cause (Cause Related Marketing), this can be an extremely powerful way to communicate a message.

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Oct 14, 2014 5:58:00 PM

Agencyside's BOLO Conference 2014

With less than a week to go, ExactDrive is getting excited to attend Agencyside's BOLO Conference 2014. After having an entertaining and educational time during the 2013 BOLO Conference we have decided to attend again this year. 

ExactDrive attends several conferences each year but the BOLO digital marketing conference held in Scottsdale, Arizona offers something extra special. Yes, something in addition to perfect weather, blue skies, great golf courses and challenging hikes. BOLO offers an intimate small group that is capped at just 250 attendees.

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Oct 14, 2014 8:34:00 AM

Teleportation With Marriott Hotels

Have you ever wanted to explore the sandy beaches of Hawaii, or see London from the top of a skyscraper, without spending a penny? The reality is closer than you think.In one of the first premium virtual reality applications outside of the gaming and entertainment industry, Marriott Hotels recently launched its innovative #GetTeleportedvirtual travel experience, which enables users to feel the sand between their toes onWai'anapanapaBeach in Maui, or enjoy a panoramic view of London fromthe vertigo inducingTower 42.

This is PR at its best.

The hotel chain partnered with experiential marketing agency Relevant and Oscar-winning VFX studio Framestore to create theTeleporter’, which features Oculus Rift DK2 virtual reality headsets, wireless headphones and a suite of 4-D sensory elements, to augment the brand experience and amplify the feeling of immersion.

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Oct 9, 2014 7:30:00 AM

Marketing Attribution In A Digital World

In the not-so-distant marketing history, brands could only reach consumers through a few marketing channels, such as product catalogs, customer service linesand in-store interactions; but with the advent of digital media ad online advertising, the number of channels for reaching consumers has increased exponentially.

Today, customer journeys are far from linear - they tend to happen across multiple platforms, devices and sessions, and make purchase decisions based on a variety of “touch points,” such as social media, mobile apps, dynamic banner ads and retargeting ads.

Pressure is building on brands to shift their advertising spend to digital, and rely more heavily on data to measure the success of their campaigns. And at the heart of this transition is attribution.

Marketing attribution is a method used by marketers to assign value to each channel that plays a role in influencing a consumer to make a purchase. For example, if a user visits your website through an organic search; returns later via a social network and then makes a purchase after clicking on a banner ad, which channel should get the credit?

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Oct 8, 2014 7:30:00 AM

Lessons In Contextual Advertrising With Amazon

Amazon is one of the biggest success stories in the online retail space. The brand has single-handedly revolutionized the way people shop for products, asprior to Amazon, many consumers were hesitant to purchase online. Amazon changed all that by creating an easy and reliable shopping experience for customers. Amazon’s phenomenal successisdue in part,to its expertise in the field of contextual advertising.

What is “Contextual Advertising”?

Contextual advertising refers to an online advertising approach in which users are served with targeted ads based on their browsing history andpurchase behavior. The adsare based on algorithms that examine keywords found on the pages that usersare browsing.

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Oct 7, 2014 7:30:00 AM

Facebook Advertising: 10 Top Tips To Nail Your Next Campaign

Ignore the gurus - advertising is deceptively simple. It’s about creating the right messages and putting it in front of the right people. But there’s a knack to enjoying effective Facebook advertisingFirst, why target Facebook advertising? Well, it’s the third most popular website in the world (after Google and YouTube), which makes Facebook advertising extremely powerful for businesses.

With this social media platform, we’re talking about well over 1 billion users – that’s a lot of potential leads. But while the concept of advertising is straightforward, here are 10 top tips to make sure your digital messages cut through the clutter.

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Oct 2, 2014 8:52:00 AM

Launching An Online Business Overseas

international-travel-.jpg (554×317)One of the many benefits the Internet has unlocked is the ability to expand into new markets. The lack of palpable borders means that customers can shop across countries and continents without so much as noticing where their latest purchase is being shipped from.

Expanding your advertising efforts internationally can be a great opportunity to maximize sales and reach customers that may not otherwise discover your brand, products or services, but there is more to it than just announcing that you ship to other countries.

If you are thinking of venturing into unchartered territories, here are four tips to help you achieve international success.

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Oct 1, 2014 8:16:00 AM

Advertising And Wearable Technology

Wearable technology is no longer the stuff of science-fiction. It’s real, and like the smart phone and tablet before it, has the potential to disrupt the advertising industry in a big way.

With a predicted market value of $30 billion by 2024, wearable technology has become a hot topic in the tech world, and a number of brands are leading the charge, with products such as Google Glass, the Qualcomm Toq, Garmin’s Vivofit and the newly released Apple iWatch, which arecausing quite a stir amongst tech-savvy consumers. 

What is wearable technology?

Wearable technologies are clothing and accessories that incorporate computer and advanced electronics. They can come in a variety of guises smart watches, arm bands, glasses/heads-up displays, smart fabrics and jewellery. Some people are even developing programmable make-up, while others are designing temporary tattoos that can monitor pregnancy.

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