<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Sep 5, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Infographics As Part Of Your Content Marketing Strategy

In the digital age, consumers are increasingly flooded with information from a wide variety of media. Research has found that we create and share 1.5 billion pieces of content, 140 million tweets and 2 million videos each day. With the proliferation of information available and a demand for instant and easily palatable content from consumers, businesses are looking to visual marketing methods such as infographics to explain, share and promote content.

What are infographics?

Information graphics or ‘infographics’, are visual representations of data,that present complex information quickly and clearly.

As the majority of people are visual learners, infographics serve them well, as they’re easy to scan and easily shareable. They can therefore be a useful way to educate your audience. 

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Sep 4, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Instagram Introduces New Analytics Tools

If you thought Instagram was just a photo sharing app, think again. The Facebook-owned social media network, which now boasts more than 75,000,000 daily users,has evolved into a powerful marketing tool and advertising platform

Instagram has rolled out the tools to its current advertising partners, including BananaRepublic, Adidas and Michael Kors, whose striking visual adsperfectly fit the aesthetic that Instagramare striving for. The response from advertisers has been positive; Michael Kors gained 33,000 new followers in the wake of theirInstagram ad campaign (16 times more than usual),but feedback has shown that companieswant more insight into how their ads are performing and how people are engaging with theircontent.

In response to feedback, Instagram haslaunched three new marketing analytics tools, which will enable marketers to monitor how their posts are performing in real time, using detailed measurementsThe "Account Insights" tooltracks impressions, reach and engagement for a brand's unpaid posts.It also aggregates stats about an account's follower base, with demographic information such as the age and gender of users. It will also advise on the best times of day or week to post, based on user’s activity.

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Sep 3, 2014 7:00:00 AM

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: What Marketers Can Learn

In recent months, social networking sites have been bombarded with videos of celebrities and the general publicthrowing buckets of ice water on themselvesin the name of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) research.After an icy soaking, participants make a small online donation and nominate three people to undertake the challenge within 24 hours.

The perfect mix of social media, celebrity engagement and philanthropy – the Ice Bucket Challenge has becomea viral phenomenon. According to Facebook, between the period of June 1 and August 17, over 28 million people commented on, or liked a post about the challengeand 2.4 million videos were shared across the site.

To date, the campaign has secured donations of over $31.5 million forALS, compared to $1.9 million over the same time period last year.

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Jul 31, 2014 10:30:00 AM

The Rise Of Social Commerce

Frozen food brand Birds Eye recently celebrated the launch of its new ‘Inspirations’ range of meals by delving into the world of experiential marketing. As part of a social commerce experiment to measure the returns of Instagram, the Iglo Group owned business opened up a pop-up restaurant with a difference. In a world-first, customers were invited to settle their bill by taking photos of their meals and uploading them to Instagram, tagging #BirdsEyeInspirations.

Birds Eye introduced the ‘pay-by-picture’ campaign after consumer research revealed that 52% of Britons regularly take photos of their meals, with one in ten of us taking at least one snap of our food every week. This is backed up by the fact that there are currently 90 million photos of food on Instagram with a #food hashtag. Yes, that was 90 million.

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Jul 29, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Cause Related Marketing: Giving Value To Your Values

Ever heard of Cause Related Marketing (CRM)? It’s a is bit of a trendy name, but how much do you know about it? The short and sweet version is that CRM refers to the formation of a commercial partnership between a company and a charity in order to market an image, product or service, for mutual benefit.


The term was first used by American Express in 1983, as they launched a $6 million advertising campaign to raise funds for a Statue of Liberty restoration project.

The company contributed a penny from each charge on American Express cards, a penny from each purchase of traveler's checks, $1 from each new card issued and $1 from every holiday sold at an American Express store, (worth $500 or more).

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Jul 24, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Use Guerrilla Marketing When On A Tight Budget: Provoke Emotions

Unconventional, whacky marketing tactics like guerrilla advertising can have a massive impact. Guerrilla advertising is much like guerrilla warfare: placing ambushes, sabotages, raids and elements of surprise within the marketing industry. Despite it often being a low-cost tactic that delivers maximum results, it can be a risky business when the reputation if your brand is on the line. Guerrilla marketing undoubtedly provokes very strong opinions and emotional responses.

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Jul 22, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Experiential Marketing Helps The World Experience Your Brand

Experiential marketing works because it connects customers to brands through live, face-to-face experiences. This strategy carries an inherent risk: if your campaign isn’t engaging and compelling, the result is probably worse than that of a poor flyer, email, or TV ad. With the latter, more traditional marketing methods, users already have an element of disconnection - they can turn away, click a mouse or change their TV channel. But with experiential marketing your target audience is slap bang in the middle of your campaign. For that reason, it’s vital to know what you’re dealing with and how to do it well. 

When experiential marketing campaigns succeed, they usually do so in explosive, incredible ways. It’s useful to highlight a couple of brilliant experiential marketing campaigns to take note of the creativity.

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Jul 15, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Is It Time To Use Comic Books In Your Marketing Strategy?

Comic books are cool. Everyone remembers reading them as a kid. Many of us still read them. Almost of all of us still love them. When it comes to storytelling, it’s hard to beat the success of the comic book. The history of the comic goes way back - scholars can trace its origins to as far back as the Lascaux cave paintings (over 1700 years ago).

And it’s fair to say that the comic book scene is extremely vibrant today. Despite technology and our ability to read content on smartphones, laptops and tablets, comic books are a visual medium that expresses ideas in a popular way. And it’s this storytelling prowess that marketers today can learn from when they plan their campaigns).

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Jul 9, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Advertising Spend Trends On Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Although brands are increasing their spend on social media advertising, only a relatively small portion of it is going to ads - according to a new survey of Ad Age readers.  

Ad Age and RBC Capital Markets jointly conducted their fifth major survey of marketer attitudes toward social media and the survey polled 1,682 executives at marketing, agency and media companies for their opinions on FacebookTwitter and YouTube (which was included for the first time).

It seems that marketing teams are spending slightly more in digital and social media channels than in previous years, but this spend is still a relatively small part of overall advertising budgets. So what’s the thinking behind it?

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Jul 7, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Developing Countries Want To Advertise On Facebook

As Facebook’s lead ad planner, Kelly Maclean’s job is to watch people watch advertisements. In emerging markets, the heat is on to study local activity so that Facebook can come up with advertising methods that perform well in developing countries. She travels to places like Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa to get an inside look at what works and what doesn’t.

So what’s the main difference between Facebook advertising in places like this and countries in Europe and the US? In the US it’s fair to say that social media advertising is rife, to the point where it can sometimes get in the way of ‘socializing’, or it becomes a bit of an intrusion on your digital world. It’s a cluttered marketplace where brands battle for their piece of the action, but it’s a very different story in the developing World where it’s still a novelty to see and hear what big brands have to say. MacLean said:

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