<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Jul 1, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising is an exciting marketing platform, now more than ever. The medium is constantly in development and 2013 saw massive changes and growth, with new features, targeting options, and channels to explore. But 2014 is proving to be even bigger.


Twitter had a big year in 2013. Perhaps most importantly, Twitter filed for and successfully completed their IPO (Initial Public Offering) and floated on the New York Stock Exchange.

Throughout 2013 and leading up to the IPO Twitter successfully overhauled the advertising interface and targeting functionality, launched TV ad targeting and created the impressive Lead Generation Cards. Now we have Tailored Audiences (remarketing) and a true 'broad match' for keyword targeting.

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Jun 26, 2014 11:12:00 AM

Conversion Attribution

When an advertiser's conversion pixel loads, ExactDrive's online advertising platform determines if that pixel load can be associated with a user, and if so, whether the user has converted in response to having previously viewed or clicked one of the advertiser's creatives. This process is called conversion attribution.

ExactDrive performs conversion attribution using the "post-view/post-click" method. Depending upon whether you've created a "post-view" or "post-click" conversion pixel, or a "hybrid" conversion pixel (which is triggered by views or clicks), the conversion will be attributed differently.

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Jun 24, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Negative Advertising at Its Worst: Poisoning the Well

Negative advertising or “poisoning the well” is the practice of attacking a competitor or opponent to make yourself look more credible. The logic behind the practice is that if the other party's reputation is damaged, you end up looking better. While poisoning the well is de rigeur in political advertising, businesses also use it as a part of their overall advertising strategy. It’s particularly popular in the tech industry, where rivalries tend to run deep. This smear tactic technique is also frequently used by a second or third tier competitor as a way to try to tarnish the market leader’s image. Below outlines a couple google examples of negative advertising.

Scroogled (Courtesy of Microsoft)

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Jun 17, 2014 10:30:00 AM

6 Important Characteristics Of A Successful Online Entrepreneur

The personal qualities you have are just as important as the resources you attain to build your online business. It is very difficult to achieve success as an entrepreneur in general. It is even more difficult to achieve success without the 6 traits below. This article suggests 6 characteristics you need to make your journey easier and more productive.

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Jun 12, 2014 10:30:00 AM

4 Performance Tweaks for Facebook Advertising

As one of the largest and most influential ad networks on the planet, Facebook ads can do a lot for your business. But like any serious Internet marketing campaign, advertising on Facebook is a continuous battle of tweaks and optimization. Fortunately, there are dozens of ways to squeeze every last bit of value out of your ad dollar on Facebook. Below we'll look at four simple performance tweaks anyone can use to improve their Facebook ad campaign in only a few minutes. 

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Jun 9, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Is the Twitter Mute Button An Online Business Killer?

Twitter's new mute button is designed to allow Twitter users to select specific users and mute them. Once a user has been muted their tweets and retweets will no longer be visible to the person who chose to mute them. Being placed on mute may not be as drastic as being unfollowed, but it certainly raises a few concerns for online business owners and Internet marketers because those who are muted will have no way of knowing the action has occurred. Worse still, if the user forgets to, or chooses not to un-mute, the mute will be effectively as good as an unfollow.

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Jun 3, 2014 10:30:00 AM

5 Reasons to Advertise on Facebook


It doesn’t matter if your business is big or small. You may be a startup upstart, using guerilla marketing tactics to capture any hearts and minds you can reach. You may be the established super-power business in your part of the world, marshalling enormous resources to conquer the world.

Whatever your situation, you cannot ignore Facebook advertising. It is a platform that is coming into its own because of its reach and accessibility.

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May 29, 2014 10:30:00 AM

Demographic Targeting Using Age And Gender Data

Demographic targeting continues to grow in popularity. A lot of clients want to use age and gender in their campaign targeting and want to find out more about these options. Dividing consumers into groups based on age and gender can greatly help advertisers determine their target audience for particular products and develop ads geared toward a specific demographic. With that in mind, it could be helpful to share additional details about how demographic targeting data is gathered, including a discussion around approximately how much impression inventory is available that contains demographic data.

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May 16, 2014 4:08:00 PM

How To Make Your Facebook Advertising More Effective

Facebook has grown into one of the most significant social entities on the Internet, offering a powerful medium to expose your brand by leveraging Facebook Advertising capabilities . With reportedly over 1.3 billion monthly active users, Facebook’s audience is incomprehensibly large. In 2013, Facebook earned roughly $6.15 billion in revenue, a number which will be significantly larger in 2014. The overwhelming majority of that income came from advertising done by companies on the Facebook advertising platform.

The size of Facebook’s audience is a double-edged sword for companies that are not spending their money wisely on the Facebook advertising platform. While the potential return on investment and cost-effectiveness of Facebook advertising is impressive, it is important for any company investing in online advertising on Facebook – or for any Internet marketing plan in general – to create a well-thought-out media strategy before starting to purchase advertising. A couple suggestions are shared below.

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May 9, 2014 8:34:00 PM

Get Out The Vote With Retargeting And Dynamic Ads

Difference-making online advertising campaigns require innovative strategy, leading technology, careful planning and insightful analysis. ExactDrive’s Advertising Platform and strategic consultant team provides all four, making it easier for you to generate the results you want most. Retargeting coupled with dynamic ads is a very powerful combination. With that in mind we wanted to share with our readers a sample digital media plan that we recently created for a politically focused client.

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