Three different internal reports were pulled, exported as an Excel document, uploaded into and viola! an interactive infographic was created. Below provides an overview of the three reports:
Report 1:
Comparing what percentage of total global impression volume each of the 3 top banner ad sizes made up across ExactDrive's Online Advertising Platform in January 2013 versus January 2014. We specifically looked at the following 3 banner ad sizes: 160x600, 728x90 and 300x250. Note: overall available banner ad impression volume increased dramatically during this timeframe but we wanted to specifically investigate how the banner ad percentage breakdown looked from one year to the other during the first month of 2014.
Report 2:
During January 2014 what was the global breakdown for producing available banner ad impression volume. ExactDrive's Online Advertising Platform reaches nearly everywhere in the World where there is viable access to the Internet. With that in mind, even as a global advertising platform, our number 1 country producing the largest available banner ad impression volume during January 2014 was still the United States. Additional results:
Report 3:
Similar to report 2, we wanted to look into which inventory categories had the most globally available banner ad impressions during January 2014.
We hope you find the below infographic informative and useful. If so feel free to share it and embed it on your blog :-) Stayed tuned, we will be releasing various online advertising industry reports moving forward.