<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Jun 4, 2020 10:30:00 AM

Mobile Advertising: 4 Tips To Be Successful

Mobile advertising is becoming more and more popular and important all the time. It’s no secret that we’re deserting our desktops for tablets and smartphones; in fact, mobile traffic is set to overtake desktop this year. With a mobile device people can do so much more on the Internet: anytime, anywhere. So above anything else, today’s marketing teams should be focusing on these ‘always-on’ consumers.

Take a look at the stats to see how this mobile advertising trend is exploding:

-          UK advertisers invested an average of £1 in every £6 they spent on digital mobile advertising last year.

-          Spend on mobile advertising doubled year on year to pass the £1bn mark for the first time. And mobile ad spend is expected to nearly double again in 2014 to almost £2.26 billion (32% of total digital).

-          On the back of this, m-commerce is expected to increase by 53.3% in 2014, more than triple the 15% growth rate for retail ecommerce.

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Jun 3, 2020 11:20:54 AM

The Importance Of Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is not only alive and well but is fast becoming a key component to a growing amount of successful digital media plans. It’s been predicted that 1.75 billion people worldwide will own a smartphone by the end of 2014. Mobile phone users are rapidly switching over to smartphones as devices become more affordable and 3G and 4G networks advance. It’s this smartphone explosion that gives brands the opportunity to connect with consumers in a real-time, real-world environment. It’s an advertiser’s dream.

But it’s not all plain sailing, and in some ways, mobile is a complex advertising method. One of the reasons advertisers and marketers are faced with challenges is because, from an advertising perspective, mobile is so different to web. Browser cookies aren’t available to follow people and get to know their likes and dislikes; user attention is short and frequent, spread between apps and browsers, maps and messaging; and although smartphone users check their phones up to 150 times a day, it’s often only for seconds at a time.

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Apr 4, 2018 9:03:00 AM

How To Create Effective Programmatic Audio Advertising For Your Campaigns

It doesn't matter what kind of customers you're trying to speak to, what culture they come from, or how old they are, audio will always demand attention. Whether it's music on the radio or the sound of a television playing in the distance, you'd be surprised just how much information comes from the things you hear.

I'm Interested in Audio

Audio advertisements can potentially rival the television ad in terms of reach and engagement according to research conducted by RAJAR. In fact, around 3.7 million adults currently listen to podcasts on a regular basis - which is almost 7% of the adult population of the world. What's more, in the United States, radio is currently ahead of all other platforms in terms of weekly reach - with 93% of the population between the ages of 12 and 54 tuning in.

While video and text-based content will always be important for the marketing world, it's worth thinking about how you can get involved with the potential of programmatic audio advertising.

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Mar 1, 2018 9:49:00 AM

Mobile Ad Revenue Is Exploding: Here's How To Improve Your Ads - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to have a recent article published on Forbes.comPOST WRITTEN BY: Tim Nichols, co-founder of ExactDrive Inc.


Although TV might continue to be the most dominant medium for ad spend, the rise of mobile is difficult to ignore.

Both Facebook and Google have contributed to an increasing need for companies to make sure they're connecting with their customers through mobile channels. The two accounted for about 60% of all ad spend in 2017. So, with that information in mind, it's important for you to start thinking about whether your mobile presence has the power to captivate and convert your audience. The following tips could help.

Full article can be found here.

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Jul 20, 2017 9:03:00 AM

What Is Programmatic Audio Advertising?

Before we get into the details of programmatic audio advertising, what exactly isprogrammatic advertising itself? Put simply, programmatic advertising isa way of buying digital ad space via software - as opposed to the traditional process ofhuman negotiation.

Using machines to buy ads is actually a really efficient way of buying advertising space, because both buyers and salespeople can be expensive and unreliable in the real world. With the use of machines the whole process is slicker and smoother than buying through RFP (Request for Proposal).

I'm Interested in Audio

On top of this, when the selling, buying, placement and optimization of media space is automated, marketers and advertisers can deliver more customized and personalized messages to audiences based on real-time data – this isn’t the case with RFP.With programmatic you get targeted dataabout things like music-based psychographic groups, weather and traffic patterns, purchase behavior and other environmental, population and consumer trends.

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Nov 22, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Mobile Advertising Continues To Grow

If you still haven't found a way to make your marketing campaign mobile-friendly, then you could be missing out on a huge amount of potential profits. Mobile marketing is unlocking powerful opportunities for marketers on a scale unlike anything we've ever seen before.

Bigger, and more powerful than any other channel for communication and engagement, mobile allows marketers to reach larger audiences in a way that is personal and instant. According to Pew research, around 68% of Americans have smartphones, while 45% have tablet computers. If that information wasn't enough to prove that mobile advertising is growing bigger than ever, how about the fact that smartphone browsing is now the most popular way to access the internet?

In simple terms, mobile devices are overtaking the digital World. That means that any marketer who isn't making use of this fact in his or her strategy could be missing out on the clear majority of selling opportunities that exist today.

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May 12, 2016 9:30:00 AM

5 Ways to Perfect Your Mobile Advertising Campaign

mobile-advertising.jpgThere's good news in the realm of mobile for savvy marketers. According to surveys and customer reports, it appears that consumers aren't just tolerant of mobile ads, they're actually quite happy to be exposed to them. It seems that the average mobile user actually doesn't mind seeing an ad when they're browsing on their smart device, and about 50% of mobile shoppers consider ads to be both helpful, and informative.

Most companies are already aware that their consumers are using smartphones far more often than desktops and laptops today, which means that mobile advertising needs to be at the core of campaign planning. However, it can be difficult to determine what makes a perfect mobile advertisement - particularly if you're just getting started. The following five tips should help to focus your campaign.

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Mar 22, 2016 9:30:00 AM

The Most Important Benefits of Mobile Advertising

At a basic level, advertising is a form of marketing communication that promotes and spreads awareness about an entity that could be a service, product, or even an ideology. In the same vein, mobile advertising reaches out to audiences from a similar promotional perspective. However, instead of approaching your market on the streets in the form of posters, or on the Internet in the form of banner advertisements, mobile advertising takes advantage of the quickly-growing popularity associated with mobile devices.

Although some people consider mobile advertising to be a close relative to online advertising, the truth is that its ability to reach out to potential customers is much greater than you might expect. According to reports, since 2014, there are officially almost as many cell phone subscriptions as there are people in the World, and more mobile devices in the mix than human beings. In other words, it'd be ridiculous to suggest that mobile advertising couldn't offer some significant gains to your advertising opportunities.

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Dec 17, 2015 8:30:00 AM

10 Significant Advertising Topics of 2015

Over the course of 2015, a number of important trends have emerged in the world of online advertising and digital development. From understanding ad viewability, banner fatigue, and dynamic ads, to making use of new concepts like mobile advertising, video, and social media, every brand is constantly on the search for new ways of making their particular product or service more appealing to the masses.

In the world of marketing, online advertising is always going to be an essential way to improve your brand presence, get your voice heard, and enhance conversions, but in order to stay ahead of competitors, it's crucial that you know the latest tactics and trends in place. For instance, do you know how to utilize retargeting and behavioral targeting as a way of reaching out to your audience on a more personal level? Do you understand the risks that you face with advertising online, and how to fight back against threats like click fraud?

As we approach the New Year, now is the perfect time to cover some of the most significant advertising elements that continue to be in play, so that you can start your upcoming campaign with support from the latest, and most relevant information.

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Aug 24, 2015 9:00:00 AM

5 Reasons Why Mobile Advertising Campaigns Fail At Converting

Whether you appreciate the portable revolution or not, the fact is that mobile advertising is here to stay - meaning that creating an effective and actionable strategy is more crucial than ever. According to search engine giants Google, the global penetration of smartphones reached about 25% in 2014, and the number of people browsing on their phones has continued growing ever since.

However, in spite of the fact that smartphone usage has grown, a lot of organizations and companies still struggle when it comes to applying a viable strategy for mobile advertising to their marketing campaign. Around 84% of companies who attempt to market with mobile see a significant boost in their overall sales, yet a significant number of them are still making mistakes that make their efforts either useless - or annoying. If you're struggling to see the positives of your mobile marketing campaign, the cause could come from one of the following five reasons.

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