<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">

doubleverify logoWhen it comes to online advertising campaigns, effectiveness is clearly everything. No business wants to waste any of their ad spend, that much is obvious. But what other areas can we look to improve ROI? The trouble with many online ad campaigns is that there is often a lack of visibility. It can be hard to make data actionable and to create consistent, meaningful measures. That is to say, there’s often a lack of accountability. ExactDrive's partnership with DoubleVerify helps us provide our advertising clients with media transparency and accountability that delivers the absolute highest level of impression quality for maximum advertising performance.

Campaigns are very much seen as either a success or a failure. But like a lot of things, it’s not always black and white - there are also shades of grey. And with online ad campaigns, there are lots and lots of shades.

However, why not let DoubleVerify shed some light and help you out?

DoubleVerify is an ad monitoring service. Like a lot of other people, DoubleVerify believe that in order for an ad campaign to truly work, the ads need to be served correctly. Keeping track of individual ads is going to be almost impossible for most people, especially where big businesses with huge campaigns are concerned.

Luckily, DoubleVerify will do that difficult job for you. The digital arena is an increasingly busy place, with millions of brands doing battle for ratings and revenue. Publishers, marketers, ad networks and others can use DoubleVerify’s advanced technology to verify various forms of online media to ensure campaign transparency. They verify over 60 billion advertising impressions every month for hundreds of Fortune 500 brands, advertising networks and media platforms.

So, whether you’re concerned about brand safety, fraud protection, video impression quality, ad viewability, ad prominence, or you simply want to unlock all the hidden value in your ad campaigns, DoubleVerify will get things running smoothly for you.

Topics: Click Fraud, Ad Viewability, Company News, Partner Spotlight, DoubleVerify, Online Media Verification

Eric Greener

Written by Eric Greener

Founding partner at ExactDrive and happily married father of four.

Gain Control.

Founded in 2011, ExactDrive is a data-driven digital media buying and planning agency. We’re always on the lookout for motivated ad agencies and businesses with a growth and improvement mindset. The more successful you are, the better your business will grow and ExactDrive is here to help.
ExactDrive works best when paired up with an ad agency or business that is looking to optimize and enhance its service offering and campaign performance. It's important to us not just how much you spend, but where your money goes - we love diversifying our efforts across various digital media channels to maximize return on ad spend.
Whether you want to raise awareness, incite action or open new channels, ExactDrive works behind the scene to deliver results so you can focus on operational imperatives. As a result, we become extensions to your daily ad operations and can be trusted with any digital media need because deep knowledge is always at hand.
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