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Apr 4, 2018 9:03:00 AM

How To Create Effective Programmatic Audio Advertising For Your Campaigns

It doesn't matter what kind of customers you're trying to speak to, what culture they come from, or how old they are, audio will always demand attention. Whether it's music on the radio or the sound of a television playing in the distance, you'd be surprised just how much information comes from the things you hear.

I'm Interested in Audio

Audio advertisements can potentially rival the television ad in terms of reach and engagement according to research conducted by RAJAR. In fact, around 3.7 million adults currently listen to podcasts on a regular basis - which is almost 7% of the adult population of the world. What's more, in the United States, radio is currently ahead of all other platforms in terms of weekly reach - with 93% of the population between the ages of 12 and 54 tuning in.

While video and text-based content will always be important for the marketing world, it's worth thinking about how you can get involved with the potential of programmatic audio advertising.

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Mar 15, 2018 9:06:00 AM

How To Measure Ad Effectiveness In The Digital World

At the end of the day, you can spend your marketing budget on some of the most innovative advertising campaigns the world has ever seen, but unless you can prove that those strategies are working for your company - they're not going to do you much good.

Regardless of whether you're spending cash on content marketing, video advertising, or remarketing, it's important to know what's working for your brand and what isn't, so you can constantly improve your online efforts, and increase your chances of getting the sales and revenue your company needs most.

The problem with a lot of brands is that they jump into a marketing campaign without spending enough time out to think about how they're going to measure the success of their new strategies. Ideally, you should have a plan for long-term measurement and optimization in place from day one, so that you can constantly work on making your marketing schemes more successful.

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Mar 6, 2018 9:08:00 AM

Benefits Of Influencer Marketing

The way people consume and interact with media has transformed over the last couple of years, with social media changing the way we connect on a fundamental level. Today's customers now can decide when, where, and if they're going to interact with brands, and that means that big companies are being forced to spend more time building "relationships" with their target markets.

In a world where consumers can simply tune your advertisements out, or block them from appearing on their favorite websites, it can be argued that some blunt-force advertising no longer has the impact it once had. Instead, today's brands need to think about how they can approach their customers where they spend the most time, and offer them experiences that they can appreciate, and trust.

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Mar 1, 2018 9:49:00 AM

Mobile Ad Revenue Is Exploding: Here's How To Improve Your Ads - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to have a recent article published on Forbes.comPOST WRITTEN BY: Tim Nichols, co-founder of ExactDrive Inc.


Although TV might continue to be the most dominant medium for ad spend, the rise of mobile is difficult to ignore.

Both Facebook and Google have contributed to an increasing need for companies to make sure they're connecting with their customers through mobile channels. The two accounted for about 60% of all ad spend in 2017. So, with that information in mind, it's important for you to start thinking about whether your mobile presence has the power to captivate and convert your audience. The following tips could help.

Full article can be found here.

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Feb 20, 2018 9:03:00 AM

Branded Audio Goes Mainstream: Why Your Company Needs It

A lot of businesses spend a great deal of time and money enhancing the visual components of the brand. In fact, companies today are also putting more thought into their written elements too, from the copy on their website to the content on their product packaging. Yet, countless organizations still fail to pay much attention to their audio branding components.

While branded audio might not be the first thing you think about when you're looking for ways to boost awareness for your company, the truth is that the right sound can be just as important as a logo or business name when it comes to building connections with your customers. Many of today's customers recognize MGM films by the roar of the lion at the beginning of a movie and can sing along to the short tune at the end of an Intel commercial.

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Feb 15, 2018 3:17:54 PM

Create And Understand Your Unique Value Proposition With These 12 Tips - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.com.

Your brand's unique value proposition (UVP) is a critical asset that should serve as the core tenet of your marketing messaging. It tells consumers, employees, investors and other stakeholders exactly what your company offers that no others can. It defines your point of differentiation and explains why you're the right choice to help a customer solve their problems.

If your business is in its very early stages, you may not have yet created your UVP. Follow this advice from Forbes Agency Council members to help you understand and clearly articulate what makes your brand special.

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Feb 12, 2018 1:11:28 PM

11 Push Alert Strategies That Won't Drive Customers Away - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.com.

It's easy to see why mobile marketing is so popular in the age of smartphones. The immediacy and relevancy of timely, geo-located notifications, sent to a device that most people have with them at all times, is a goldmine for advertisers. Now customers can be reached wherever they are, during times when they are most receptive to branded messaging.

The challenge, however, lies in striking the right balance of frequency, timing and value for your push alert subscribers. A recent survey by Localytics found that 37% of respondents would disable push notifications after receiving just two to five per week from a single app, so it's critical to plan your mobile content wisely.

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Feb 8, 2018 12:56:11 PM

How To Get The Best Visibility With Native Ads - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to have a recent article published on Forbes.comPOST WRITTEN BY: Tim Nichols, co-founder of ExactDrive Inc.


Native advertising is quickly growing to be a popular method of getting brands in front of new audiences. By creating appealing content that matches both the theme and style of a third-party website, businesses can seamlessly attract new followers and enhance visibility for its brand.

Not only do viewers spend almost the same amount of time reading native ads as they do editorial content, but they also pay 53% more attention to native advertising when compared to banner ads.

Full article can be found here.

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Feb 5, 2018 10:01:00 AM

LinkedIn Sees New Life Among B2B Marketers

Logo-LinkedIn.jpgWhile other social media channels like Twitter and Facebook struggle to stay ahead of the pack when it comes to engaging with consumers around the world, B2B platform LinkedIn has boosted its position within the marketplace. By making several distinctive changes to the user interface throughout 2017, LinkedIn have ensured that they're in prime position to help companies get the most out of B2B social marketing during 2018.

Today, many experts suggest that in the year ahead, a greater number of B2B marketers will be tapping into the potential that LinkedIn has to offer when it comes to establishing connections with new prospects, partners, and innovators in the marketplace. The question is, how can you make sure your LinkedIn profile is prepared for 2018?

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Feb 1, 2018 9:24:52 PM

Integrate & Ignite Podcast Episode 133: 2018 Digital Trends, with Eric Greener of ExactDrive

avocet communications logo.pngExactDrive is excited to be on Avocet Communications' podcast, Integrate & Ignite. The podcast explores the nature of what it means to be at the helm in the C-suite. Every episode is crafted to make people think, to spark some “aha!” moments, and to illustrate just how important a truly integrated business and marketing strategy – and a solid, inspired brand presence – is to success and longevity.

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