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Jan 11, 2018 10:01:00 AM

Instagram Becomes a More Valuable Channel than Facebook

For a lot of companies, it's easy to assume that Facebook is the best platform for starting your social media marketing campaign. After all, it's one of the most diverse channels out there, with the power to appeal to everyone from young millennials, to mothers, and thriving entrepreneurs alike.

However, as we move towards a more visually-focused marketplace, it seems that platforms like Instagram might be stepping in to take over from Facebook as the best business social marketing channel. In fact, in 2017, Instagram had around 800 million users per month logging into share photos and images with the masses.

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Jan 9, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Influencer Marketing Remains A Useful Strategy

According to research, around 95% of the marketers who use influencer strategies in their current campaigns consider those strategies to be effective.

In other words, if you're looking for a simple and effective way to boost awareness, engagement, and retention for your brand in the social world, then there are few things better than the power of an influencer. Because influencers already have a pre-existing relationship with the customers that you want to attract, they can help you to create engaging content, and connect with your audience on a deeper level, without the need for any obvious marketing efforts.

As we move into 2018, the chances are that influencer marketing will continue to be just as important as ever. So, the question is: "How can you make sure that you're getting the most out of your influencer marketing campaigns?"

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Dec 27, 2017 12:51:25 PM

Seven Significant Advertising Topics To Watch For In 2018 - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to have a recent article published on Forbes.comPOST WRITTEN BY: Tim Nichols, co-founder of ExactDrive Inc.


We've seen some serious disruption in the marketing world throughout 2017. As new technology emerges and people start to interact differently with their favorite brands, companies are being forced to reconsider how they connect with the marketplace.

With 2018 just around the corner, now might be the perfect time for your brand to start thinking about the topics that could be poised to leave your advertising team scratching their heads in the coming months. The faster you prepare for these new trends, the quicker you'll make your mark in the industry.

Full article can be found here.

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Dec 22, 2017 2:29:46 PM

Best Wishes For A Happy Holiday Season From ExactDrive

Best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and our sincere gratitude for your goodwi

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Dec 22, 2017 9:07:00 AM

Building A Personal Brand? 16 Simple Tips For Today's Executives - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.com.

POST WRITTEN BY: Forbes Agency Council, Successful PR, media strategy, creative and advertising executives from Forbes Agency Council share trends and tips.

One of the most important activities any agency can engage in is branding. And we're not just talking about developing and promoting a corporate brand, but also establishing your own personal brand, positioning yourself as a credible industry expert and thought leader.

Like any form of marketing, personal branding requires acute knowledge of both yourself and your intended audience, and consistently producing content that resonates with them. If personal brand development is on your to-do list, follow the advice of these Forbes Agency Council members.

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Dec 21, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Using Behavioral Data To Drive Online Engagement

Today, we're living in a hyper-connected digital world, where consumers have countless options to choose from, and numerous distractions during the purchasing journey. As retail bankruptcies continue to increase by 24% year-over-year, it's important for marketers to figure out how they can break through the chaos, saturation, and noise, and engage their customers in the right places, at the right times.

If we look at some of the industry leaders in customer experience, such as Amazon and Netflix, we begin to see that learning from behavioral data is a crucial element on the path to success. With behavioral data, it's possible to personalize thecustomer experience and naturallyenhance engagement. For instance, 35% of the sales Amazon makes come from their ability to suggest products based on previous purchases.

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Dec 19, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Is SEO Still Relevant?

Times have changed. As a result, many business owners and marketers are wondering whether search engine optimization (SEO) is still relevant. In what seems like a fit of desperation, some people even wonder if SEO is dead.

Actually, SEO is still hugely relevant in business today – it’s just changed. For starters, the increase in social media activity and social media marketing has lessened the need for SEO skills for those with big advertising budgets. But what about those who can’t afford to pay for advertising? Like start-ups or small businesses?

People need SEO more than ever.

The statistics indicate that consumers are searching online more than ever. Google alone processes over 40,000 search queries every second. That adds up to 3.5 billion searches every day and 1.2 trillion searches each year.

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Dec 18, 2017 5:54:55 PM

How Digital Marketing Will Change In 2018: 15 Top Trends - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.com.

POST WRITTEN BY: Forbes Agency Council, Successful PR, media strategy, creative and advertising executives from Forbes Agency Council share trends and tips.

The move into 2018 also comes with a shift in digital marketing. New trends are entering the marketplace and your company needs to pay attention or you may be forced by the wayside. With the need to become more visible and reach more customers, the digital marketing of tomorrow offers advancements in emerging technologies as consumers demand a more integrated experience.

Fifteen members of Forbes Agency Council share what they think will be the major digital marketing trends of 2018. Here is what they had to say:

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Dec 13, 2017 5:23:05 PM

Optimizing Digital Ads For Success Online

Today's diverse digital world is brimming with creative and innovative ways to get your brand message to your audience. If you haven't already made digital advertising a part of your company plan, then now's the time to get started. However, it's worth remembering that not all of your ads will be instantly successful. It takes time to figure out which key elements work best for your brand, and which factors capture the interest and loyalty of your audience.

If you want to make sure that you're constantly improving your online ads, and ensuring that you increase your chances of sales, then you need a strategy that involves frequently upgrading and optimizing your marketing campaigns. Here are a few quick tips that will help you to optimize your digital ads for success online.

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Nov 28, 2017 8:01:56 AM

How to Manage Online Brand Safety

While the trends for digital advertising might change as quickly as the seasons, the concerns that exist around brand safety consistently remain at the top of ad buyers' minds. According to a study conducted by eMarketer, about 26% of the brands purchasing space for a digital advertisement cited brand safety as their number one concern for choosing how and when they should advertise.

The good news is that there are brand safety solutions available on digital ad exchanges that make it possible to avoid some of the online advertising space that might appear as a poor fit for a campaign. Here are a couple things that you should consider when it comes to making sure you can manage your brand safety concerns online.

Choose your Ad Agency Carefully

The important thing to remember when it comes to digital advertising space is that while there may always be a risk for brands online, most companies will be able to mitigate that risk with careful attention to detail. For instance, a lot of companies are beginning to limit the amount of run exchange buys that they make, and shifting towards private exchanges instead.

Perhaps one of the easiest ways for brands to protect themselves is to consider the agency they're buying their digital ads from carefully. Transparency is often essential. Good partners should be able to share the measures that they've put in place to ensure brand safety. It's also a good idea to speak to organizations that specialize in protection for brands. Often, these include technology companies that work independently from ad networks and media buyers.

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