<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Oct 21, 2016 2:25:39 PM

How To Building A Successful Online Ad Campaign

If you're advertising for a business today, then the chances are you're doing it online. The digital marketing world has exploded in recent years, as more companies, organizations, and ideas race to the online sphere in an attempt to have their voices heard. Unfortunately, simply starting an online ad campaign iisn't enough - you need to make sure that you create the right campaign to appeal to your specific audience.

The key to building a successful online ad campaign starts with understanding that advertising on the internet requires more than just a computer and a little talent - it also requires discipline. Just because you have a creative ad doesn't mean that you're putting the right message across to your audience, along with the necessary call-to-action. You might even find that your ad generates leads to your website, but that it doesn't push those leads to convert. If you want to make sure your ad campaign is a success, keep the following tips in mind.

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Oct 6, 2016 1:42:20 PM

The Consequences Of Bad Advertising Decisions

While the outcomes associated with good advertising decisions are obvious, ranging from improved profits, to better engagement, higher levels of online traffic, and even wider reach across a local, national, or global scale, the consequences of bad advertising decisions are frequently overlooked. The truth is that failing to think ahead regarding the kind of traffic you want to generate with your advertising campaigns, or which measures you'll need to take to appeal to your target audience could mean that you suffer from more than just a wasted portion of your budget. In fact, according to Ad week, more than one-third of Americans will refuse to purchase from a brand because of bad advertising - even if the ad is changed.

Advertising is a very complicated area for companies and marketers to address. Not only do you need to think about how you're going to show off your product, service, and brand in the best possible light, but you also need to carefully consider how the images, words, and strategies that you use are going to appeal to your specific audience. Stray too far from what is deemed to be acceptable, and you could end up in serious trouble, whereas if you fail to be creative, you might not get the responses you want. All in all, it's a difficult line to walk.

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Sep 9, 2016 9:49:52 AM

Is It Time To Change Campaign Creatives?

One of the most important features in the world of online advertising, and digital marketing, is the creative that you choose to display to the world. That creative is the first image that your potential clients, customers, and even future partners will use to get an idea of your company, and it not only needs to draw them towards your website, but it also needs to establish the uniqueness of your brand.

Ad creative needs to be bold, inviting, and engaging so that they can hook in the viewer before that person is distracted by something else, such as a new piece of content, or a decision to check their social media pages. Unfortunately, simply creating amazing ads the first time around won't be enough to keep your audience engaged - you'll also need to keep changing, updating, and refreshing your campaign creatives to stay ahead of the competition.

The problem is, it can be difficult for marketers and business-minded individuals alike to recognize when their creative is going stale. So how do you know when it's time to change up your campaign?

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Jul 28, 2016 3:52:29 PM

3 Tricks When Your Google AdWords Campaign Doesn't Generate Conversions

Who doesn't want to earn more conversions from their Google AdWords campaigns? According to studies, in 2015, the spend on PPC campaigns increased by 12%, and it's set to increase again. PPC campaigns require a great deal of investment in some cases, but they can also lead to fantastic results if you know how to use them properly. That's why most AdWords advertisers focus on seeking out marketing methods that reduce their cost per conversion, while increasing the conversion rate.

If you want to avoid wasting money and time on an AdWords campaign that hasn't been carefully tailored to your specific needs, then you're going to need to rethink your strategy and ensure that you're taking steps towards securing the factors that will earn you long-term success. If you've already started your PPC campaign, but you aren't seeing the results that you hoped for when you signed up for AdWords, try the following three quick, and simple tricks.

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Jun 21, 2016 4:10:14 PM

Exciting Video Advertising Trends

For the modern audience with a waning attention span, video-based content is often considered to be more entertaining, easier to grasp, and engaging enough to hold our interest for more than a couple of seconds. In other words, it's no wonder that more businesses have begun to leverage video content and video advertising on channels such as YouTube, Instagram, and Vine.

According to statistics, around 74% of the traffic that the internet receives will come from video content, so if you haven't started watching the trends already, now is the perfect time to brush up on your video marketing knowledge. Following, we'll cover just some of the most important video advertising trends to keep in mind as you enter the visual marketing world this year.

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Jun 16, 2016 12:20:51 PM

Types of Online Advertising

Online advertising is perhaps one of the most important forms of marketing available today. If you aren't making yourself heard online, then the chances are you're missing out on the majority of the traffic, and profits you could otherwise be benefiting from.

The term "online advertising" is incredibly broad, and refers to everything from banner ads, to YouTube video ads, dynamic retargeting, and keyword search. Following, we're going to address some of the most popular forms of online advertising around in 2016, and how you can use them to drive traffic towards your website.

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Jun 9, 2016 9:30:00 AM

Effective Facebook Advertising Tips

Although you can find a fully-integrated advertising system on most of the social-networking platforms available today, Facebook is still a heavy favorite among the business world when it comes to reaching out to a wide, and engaged audience. Facebook advertising not only provides access to a very broad range of individuals, but it also reigns supreme in regards to insights, features, and crucial data.

Unfortunately, just because Facebook can be a great advertising platform doesn't mean that it's used effectively by all brands. A lot of companies end up wasting their advertising budget and throwing necessary resources down the drain because they don't understand how to use the techniques available to their advantage, or haven't got a strategy in place. Fortunately, all it takes to achieve success is a deeper knowledge of how Facebook advertising works, and an insight into what some of the best practices may be.

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May 24, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Display Retargeting Best Practices

Retargeting or Remarketing, is a simple and often highly economical way to draw people back towards your website after they've visited once and chosen to leave without converting. In some cases, conversions are lost simply because a prospect wasn't in the right position to buy when they came across your website, or because someone was distracted away from your page by another matter. When used properly, display retargeting gives you a second chance to prompt that all-important action, whether you're looking for subscriptions, sales, or anything else.

Unfortunately, simply jumping into retargeting isn't the best way to make the most of the technique. Failing to properly plan out your retargeting efforts could leave you with diminished results - or worse, damage your brand image. The following best practices should help you to avoid the digital threats, and achieve your marketing goals.

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May 17, 2016 9:30:00 AM

Was That Click On The Banner Ad As Good For You As It Was For Your Customer?

Was_it_good_for_you.jpgBanner ads have gotten something of a bad reputation over the years - mostly because digital marketers really didn't understand how to use them until very recently. A lot of advertising experts have delivered informative articles and blogs about how you can upgrade and improve your banner advertisements to encourage greater numbers of clicks, and better engagement from your audience, but few people focus on how banner ads can continue to give brands value too.

After all, while it's important to make sure that you're giving your customers a good experience with your marketing efforts, it's also essential to ensure that your marketing budget is being spent on measures that actually profit you in some way. Following, we'll address some of the things that banner advertisements really do well, so you can determine how each click is really having an impact on your business.

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May 12, 2016 9:30:00 AM

5 Ways to Perfect Your Mobile Advertising Campaign

mobile-advertising.jpgThere's good news in the realm of mobile for savvy marketers. According to surveys and customer reports, it appears that consumers aren't just tolerant of mobile ads, they're actually quite happy to be exposed to them. It seems that the average mobile user actually doesn't mind seeing an ad when they're browsing on their smart device, and about 50% of mobile shoppers consider ads to be both helpful, and informative.

Most companies are already aware that their consumers are using smartphones far more often than desktops and laptops today, which means that mobile advertising needs to be at the core of campaign planning. However, it can be difficult to determine what makes a perfect mobile advertisement - particularly if you're just getting started. The following five tips should help to focus your campaign.

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