<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Feb 9, 2016 11:20:00 AM

How To Make Video Advertising Not Suck

Companies from across the globe - no matter their industry or size, are beginning to see the benefits of video when it comes to online advertising. Video advertising is a persuasive and engaging way to grab your audience's attention and keep it. Unlike text-based content marketing, video advertising is bright, interactive, and interesting - as long as you do it right. What's more, it's a highly shareable form of media, which can even go viral with a little bit of luck.

Of course, the important question is, how do you make a video ad that appeals to your audience, sells your product, and maximizes your results, when you have absolutely no experience to work with? Like any other marketing campaign, optimizing your video advertising strategy takes some research. Following, we'll cover a number of simple tips that could ensure you make an effective video ad for your company.

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Feb 3, 2016 11:39:53 AM

The Real Reasons Your Ad Campaign Failed

No matter what article you read, or which study you refer to, it's impossible to ignore the fact that people are spending more time online today than ever before. For some consumers, this means staying permanently glued to their smartphone or tablet, whereas for others it means online gaming, checking the news on their laptop, or buying groceries from their desktop. It's no surprise, the commerce world has never been more convenient, and the online sphere makes finding information about products or services simple and hassle-free. Hence, online advertising has become a crucial part of any modern strategy for business growth.

However, as effective as online advertising can be at helping you to reach a wider number of people throughout the World, it's important to remember that without the right strategies in place, even the most well-thought-out marketing plan can fail. If your ad campaign isn't bringing in any of those crucial conversions, the following reasons may give you an insight into why.

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Jan 29, 2016 12:23:00 PM

4 Ways To Bring Facebook Advertising Into Your Media Buying Strategy

If you're part of a team that's responsible for promoting an online store, or you deal personally with a company's media buying strategy, then you'll know how difficult it can be to establish success online. Whatever you use as a marketing channel, it's never completely enough, as you always need to keep finding highly relevant sources of traffic, more conversions to meet with sales tactics, and new ways to increase repeated sales from previous customers.

Fortunately, adding Facebook advertising into your media buying strategy could be the solution that you've been searching for. Featuring over 1.39 billion active users every month, and the highest number of ecommerce orders generated through social media, advertising on Facebook offers a brand new range of opportunities when it comes to reaching out to a highly intimate and engaged audience.

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Jan 12, 2016 8:30:00 AM

What to Do If Your Banner Ads Aren't Getting Enough Clicks

If your ultimate online goal is to find new ways of driving people towards your website, then your first task will be ensuring that you get noticed. Companies from a variety of industries use numerous tactics, from email marketing, to social networking and banner ads. Though it's true that banner advertising may not have the same impact on consumers as it once did, that doesn't mean that it doesn't still have a lot of value.

If you find that yourbanner ad displays aren't bringing in the clicks and consumers as you might have hoped, then you may need to rethink your strategy and boost your banner appeal. Following, we'll discuss a few ways that you can improve the reach of your banner ads, and start collecting those much-needed clicks.

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Jan 7, 2016 8:30:00 AM

4 Finishing Touches for Your Dynamic Ads

On the surface, Dynamic Search Ads simply look like any other Google AdWords content, except for the fact that the headline typically echoes the exact search phrase the user typed in to begin with. However, unlike typical Google AdWords content, Dynamic Search Ads are presented based on the content of your website, meaning that you won't have to maintain awkward lists of keywords.

Dynamic search ads work by using the web crawling technology of google to carefully target relevant queries according to the content on your website. Incrementally, traffic that you receive through dynamic search ads can be used to help fill the gaps in your keyword campaigns - ensuring a greater return on investment.

If you have been considering the value of using dynamic search ads for some time now, you may be wondering how to make the most out of your investment. Below we will cover a brief introduction of who should be using dynamic search advertising to begin with, and how these people can maximize the results of their campaigns.

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Dec 30, 2015 9:07:29 AM

Did Retargeting Ruin Your Christmas?

When you visit a website and start shopping for a product, then see the same or similar products through an advertisement on Facebook or Google a couple of days later - it isn't a coincidence. Savvy online companies everywhere are making use of the effective strategy of "retargeting" - a technique designed to tailor ads specifically to the behavior a certain user displays.

Though retargeting has many benefits for consumer and company alike, it can become a problem during the festive season, if you want to keep your searched-for items a secret from other people using your computer. Fortunately, managing the ways in which you are served advertisements is possible if you know how to adjust your online activities.

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Dec 22, 2015 9:00:00 AM

How To Overcome Popular Media Buyer Roadblocks

Sometimes knowing the right decisions to make as a media buyer can be difficult, but implementing these five basic strategies will drive any campaign towards success. 

As a professional media buyer, you’re responsible for purchasing, negotiating, and monitoring the various types of advertising space and air-time a client uses when establishing their brand presence. The idea is to give your customers the platform that they need to reach the largest number of people within the market that is most relevant to them for the lowest possible cost. Sometimes this will mean working throughout a wide range of different platforms from magazines and posters, to online videos and social media campaigns. In other circumstances, the job may require you to buckle-down and focus on a single platform for an extended period of time. But what do you do when you’re forced to grapple with an especially challenging campaign – or, as I like to say, when you come down with a case of the media buying blues?

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Dec 17, 2015 8:30:00 AM

10 Significant Advertising Topics of 2015

Over the course of 2015, a number of important trends have emerged in the world of online advertising and digital development. From understanding ad viewability, banner fatigue, and dynamic ads, to making use of new concepts like mobile advertising, video, and social media, every brand is constantly on the search for new ways of making their particular product or service more appealing to the masses.

In the world of marketing, online advertising is always going to be an essential way to improve your brand presence, get your voice heard, and enhance conversions, but in order to stay ahead of competitors, it's crucial that you know the latest tactics and trends in place. For instance, do you know how to utilize retargeting and behavioral targeting as a way of reaching out to your audience on a more personal level? Do you understand the risks that you face with advertising online, and how to fight back against threats like click fraud?

As we approach the New Year, now is the perfect time to cover some of the most significant advertising elements that continue to be in play, so that you can start your upcoming campaign with support from the latest, and most relevant information.

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Dec 15, 2015 9:00:00 AM

Video Advertising: Weighing the Pros and Cons

It's fair to say that a significant portion of the Internet is still populated by the various banner advertisements and media creative that were the hallmark of initial advertising campaigns. However, it's also important to recognize that the World of advertising is constantly moving forward, and at this time it's clear to see where the road is turning: to video advertising. There are many reasons why online video advertising has become increasing popular in the recent months - from the popularity of viral streaming services, to the fact that video offers a more engaging way of viewing information for younger consumers.

Regardless of its driving force, the world of online video advertising is here to stay - but that doesn't necessarily ensure that all advertisers will be convinced that it is the best medium available. While some markets are certainly seeing significant growth through video advertising, others are achieving results by sticking to more traditional methods. If you're on the fence about what the next step forward in your video advertising campaign should be, the following pros and cons should help you to make a more informed decision.

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Dec 9, 2015 9:00:00 AM

5 Ways to Ensure Brand Safety for Your Advertising Campaign

Whether your company employs dozens of staff members to run on a daily basis, or you're a one-man-band who advertises your services through a blog that you write yourself, it's important to remember that one of the most important things you have is your brand image. During an advertising campaign, it becomes more important than ever to ensure that you're doing everything possible to maintain the integrity of your brand, and stopping other people from damaging the image you have struggled to create.

Although the Internet has delivered many different benefits to businesses today - particularly when it comes to finding new and innovative advertising campaign opportunities, it has also delivered a host of different threats to brands, including everything from online fraud, to unauthorized distribution and brand abuse. Even social networking - a marketing concept that has allowed companies to create a more interactive relationship with their fans and customers, has led to additional risks as brand hijackers find new ways of stealing customers.

When you're conducting an advertising campaign online, make sure you consider the following five tips for keeping your brand safe and secure.

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